
  • Given an asset name, e.g. name of a character or a prop, the tool should automatically make a series of sub-folders for that asset. For example: given "Velociraptor" string, it must make these folders:
    • /Game/Velociraptor/Meshes
    • /Game/Velociraptor/Rigs
    • /Game/Velociraptor/Textures
    • /Game/Velociraptor/Materials
    • /Game/Velociraptor/Maps
    • /Game/Velociraptor/Sequences
    • /Game/Velociraptor/Demo/Animations,

where the list of required folders is hard coded for now.

  • The tool should take also an optional parent folder in case user wants to organize the resulted folders further.


At the time of my writing, GitHub Copilot will mostly suggest you to use IPlatformFile. With IPlatformFile I managed to make it work on MacOS, but not on Windows. After a couple hours troubleshooting, this is what I found.

👉 Do not use IPlatformFile if you want nested folders, use IFileManager instead.

#include "HAL/PlatformFilemanager.h"
    // --snip--
    // DO NOT use this if you want nested folders, as it doesn't allow
    // creating directories recursively, so this will fail on Windows:
    // IPlatformFile& PlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();

    // Use this instead:
    IFileManager& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();
    // so that we can pass `true` to the `Tree` argument
    // of this `MakeDirectory` method:
    FileManager.MakeDirectory(*FolderPath, true);

Suggested Solution

We'll use Scripted Actions for this exercise, saving the juicy widgets for next exercises.

Header file

  • Our function doesn't mutate any data it receives, so we should mark it as static (1).
  • As a result, our TArray<FString> TemplateFolders where we define the list of folders to be created has to be inline static const (2).
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "AssetActionUtility.h"
#include "mkCharSetup.generated.h"

class TRUONGCONTROLRIGS_API UmkCharSetup : public UAssetActionUtility
	static void MakeCharacterFolders(const FString& CharacterName, const FString& ParentFolder); // (1)
	inline static const TArray<FString> TemplateFolders = {
	}; // (2)

cpp file

  • We'll need to include the HAL/PlatformFileManager for filesystem-related actions.
  • If user also specifies a parent folder, we concatenate it to our paths (3).
  • If the directory already exists, we continue to the next iteration (4).
  • The FileManager.MakeDirectory returns a bool of whether the operation succeeds (but unfortunately not the reason why it would fail), so we can use that to log when an error occurs (5).
#include "mkCharSetup.h"
#include "EditorUtilityLibrary.h"
#include "HAL/PlatformFilemanager.h"

void UmkCharSetup::MakeCharacterFolders(const FString& CharacterName, const FString& ParentFolder)
	IFileManager& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();
	// Construct the full path to the /Game directory
	const FString ContentDir = FPaths::ProjectContentDir();

	for (const FString& Folder : TemplateFolders)
		FString FolderPath;
		if (ParentFolder.IsEmpty()) // (3)
			FolderPath = FPaths::Combine(ContentDir, CharacterName, Folder);
			FolderPath = FPaths::Combine(ContentDir, ParentFolder, CharacterName, Folder);

		if (FileManager.DirectoryExists(*FolderPath))
			continue; // (4)

		UE_LOG(LogHAL, Display, TEXT("Attempting to make directory: %s"), *FolderPath);
		if (!FileManager.MakeDirectory(*FolderPath, true)) // (5)
			UE_LOG(LogHAL, Warning, TEXT("Failed to create directory at path: %s"), *FolderPath);


Since this is a scripted asset action, we have to select some asset to see the our function as an item in the context menu, which is rather inconvenient. We'll improve this once we learn about Unreal widgets.