
  • The tool should help users to organize the existing assets into their proper subdirectories by type, for example:
    • Skeleton and Skeletal Mesh should reside in Meshes subdirectory.
    • Physics Asset, IK Rig, IK Retargeter, and Control Rig, should reside in Rigs subdirectory.
    • Anim Sequence, Anim Blueprint, and BlendSpace, should reside in Demo/Animations subdirectory.
  • If an asset already resides in some matching subdirectory, then the tool shouldn't put it into another subdirectory.


  • We can use a TMap<UClass*, FString> to hard code the relationship between an asset type and their matching subdirectory. But the first challenge is to provide the proper include directives so that our desired UClasses can be found. When we are still new with C++ and with the build process of Unreal overall, this is quite tricky.
  • To move an asset, we'll use UEditorAssetLibrary::RenameLoadedAsset method, but we'll have to make sure the asset is indeed loaded first.

Suggested Solution

Build.cs file

  • (1): "IKRig" module is needed for UIKRigDefintion and UIKRetargeter classes.
  • (2): "ControlRig" module is needed for UControlRig class, but usually we deal with UControlRigBlueprint class, so we also need "ControlRigDeveloper" module.
  • (3): "LevelSequence" module is needed for ULevelSequence class.
using UnrealBuildTool;

public class TruongControlRigs : ModuleRules
	public TruongControlRigs(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
            // --snip--
		PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]

		PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {
			"IKRig", // (1)
			"ControlRig", // (2)
			"ControlRigDeveloper", // (2)
			"LevelSequence" // (3)

Header file

Then, same drill with the previous exercise, we define an inline static const variable for our mapping (4). Our method doesn't have any parameters (5) as we're allowing the tool to process everything automatically in this exercise, which is not a very flexible design, but we'll accept that for practice purpose.

#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "AssetActionUtility.h"
#include "PhysicsEngine/PhysicsAsset.h"
#include "Rig/IKRigDefinition.h" // (1)
#include "Retargeter/IKRetargeter.h" // (1)
#include "ControlRig.h" // (2)
#include "ControlRigBlueprint.h" // (2)
#include "Animation/BlendSpace1D.h"
#include "LevelSequence.h" // (3)
#include "mkCharSetup.generated.h"

class TRUONGCONTROLRIGS_API UmkCharSetup : public UAssetActionUtility
	inline static const TMap<UClass*, FString> AssetTypeToFolder = {
		// `Meshes` folder
		{USkeleton::StaticClass(), TEXT("Meshes")},
		{USkeletalMesh::StaticClass(), TEXT("Meshes")},
		// `Rigs` folder
		{UPhysicsAsset::StaticClass(), TEXT("Rigs")},
		{UIKRigDefinition::StaticClass(), TEXT("Rigs")},
		{UIKRetargeter::StaticClass(), TEXT("Rigs")},
		{UControlRig::StaticClass(), TEXT("Rigs")},
		{UControlRigBlueprint::StaticClass(), TEXT("Rigs")},
		// `Textures` folder
		{UTexture::StaticClass(), TEXT("Textures")},
		// `Materials` folder
		{UMaterial::StaticClass(), TEXT("Materials")},
		// `Demo/Animations` folder
		{UAnimSequence::StaticClass(), TEXT("Demo/Animations")},
		{UBlendSpace::StaticClass(), TEXT("Demo/Animations")},
		{UBlendSpace1D::StaticClass(), TEXT("Demo/Animations")},
		{UAnimBlueprint::StaticClass(), TEXT("Demo/Animations")},
		// `Maps` folder
		{UWorld::StaticClass(), TEXT("Maps")},
		{ULevel::StaticClass(), TEXT("Maps")},
		// `Sequences` folder
		{ULevelSequence::StaticClass(), TEXT("Sequences")},
	}; // (4)
	static void MoveAssetsToSubDirs(); // (5)

cpp file

  • A selected asset might not be within our AssetTypeToFolder definition, so we'll skip processing it if nothing valid is found in the mapping (6).
  • We also don't want to create another subdirectory if some other subdirectory with the same name is already in the path of the asset (7).
  • Finally we want to load the asset first (8) before moving it with UEditorAssetLibrary::RenameLoadedAsset (9).
void UmkCharSetup::MoveAssetsToSubDirs()
	for (TArray<UObject*> SelectedObjects = UEditorUtilityLibrary::GetSelectedAssets(); const UObject* Object :
		if (!ensure(Object)) { continue; }

		const FString* SubDirName = AssetTypeToFolder.Find(Object->GetClass());
		if (!(ensure(SubDirName) && !SubDirName->IsEmpty())) // (6)
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("No subdirectory defined for class %s"), *Object->GetClass()->GetName());

		FString CurrAssetPath = Object->GetPackage()->GetPathName();
		if (CurrAssetPath.Contains(*SubDirName)) // (7)
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Skipping %s as it's already in a correct subdirectory"), *CurrAssetPath);

		// We must load the asset first or else we'll have problem moving it.
		UObject* LoadedAsset = UEditorAssetLibrary::LoadAsset(CurrAssetPath); // (8)
		if (!ensure(LoadedAsset))
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to load asset at path: %s"), *CurrAssetPath);

		FString NewAssetPath = FPaths::Combine(FPaths::GetPath(CurrAssetPath), *SubDirName, *Object->GetName());
		UEditorAssetLibrary::RenameLoadedAsset(LoadedAsset, NewAssetPath); // (9)


  • We may provide support for any type of assets -- instead of only the types included in our TMap -- by resorting to its class name.
  • A preview of which goes where would be helpful for the user before they decide to proceed with the operation, but let's settle with this for now 😼.